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Never Give Up – A Dose of Inspiration

Never give up -What are your personal goals in life? How achievable do you believe those goals are?

One thing that I’ve learned in life, whether it be with business, fitness, education, etc. is that consistency and persistence are the most influential factors of success. Not pure talent alone.

Here is an article about 9 celebrities who’s persistence paid off.

I’ve watched ESS owner, Chris build this business since day 1. If you are not familiar with his story, check out this blog post.

Chris and I met when I was working for myself at my second startup.

My personal pursuit towards success is a long journey that is still in-progress. I begun building the concept to my first business in 2006.

Over a decade later, I have knowledge and skills that could not be learned in any manner other than experience, trials, successes, and failures.

As I’ve pursued business success, I’ve found the elements that are most important to me in life.

Never Give Up - Mike Gamache on Mountain Top
Author Mike Gamache

Now, working backwards towards financial growth, many other life goals have fallen into place while my 12-year entrepreneurial story is still in the making.

Here is a short video I produced, which shows some of my life goals that are coming to fruition:

And here is a video that shows how far I was willing to go to keep pursuing my dreams, after ending up in the most challenging position of my life thus far:

I’m not exactly where I want to be yet, but I’m staying consistent in my pursuit. I won’t give up and I expect that this will all pay off.

What does this have to do with Elite Staffing Solutions?

If you know Owner Chris Rickerson’s story, you will realize that his success came from persistence and passion.

Now, he’s using his position to help others who are driven to build a better life.

In the past, Chris has told me that he does not want his temps to be employed by ESS after two-years. Rather, his goal is to provide a path to career growth and financial stability that will allow ESS staff to move on to permanent employment with other Wichita area businesses.

My goal with this article is to inspire everyone to seek out your goals, build a plan, then work hard to execute that plan.

ESS is a perfect example of what happens when a passionate person works hard, against the odds, and never gives up.

Today is the perfect day to commit yourself to your goals and start the journey. For some, the next chapter of their journey may even begin with a job at Elite Staffing Solutions.

Never Give Up – A Dose of Inspiration

Article and Videos by Mike Gamache – Blogger, Friend, Entrepreneur, ColoradoMountainLife.com



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